
Welcome to Self Soul Space! This blog is designed to bring you healthy lifestyle tips. A true healthy lifestyle, embodies a healthy mind, body, spirit, and environment. Thanks for stopping by to check out my way of living.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

P90X Week 13, finally!

Finally... Thank you, Jesus!  I am finished Beach Body's P90x!  How was it?  Well, I'll get to that... first how was my final week?

Week 13 was fantastic, for two reasons... 1. It's the last week, I could see the end of the tunnel and it made each workout easier.  2. The workouts were all of my favorite (easier) workouts.  Monday started with Yoga X, which was great because I skipped my YMCA Body Flow class for a play-date in PA.  Tuesday was Core Synergistic, this workout is by far a great cross-training workout that will stay in my workout rotation.  Wednesday was a beautiful day weather wise, so the family and I went for a walk around Glasgow Park, then I wrapped the day with KenpoX and a new episode of Law & Order SVU (bonus).  Thursday, I did XStretch without the video, but with the app on my phone.  I turned on the Soundscapes music channel on my Fios TV, and stretched out my body.  Friday was CardioX, I think I burned more than my average 400 calories that night.  I was pushing it!!  Saturday, after a DSU football game, and a mile walk to/from my car, I worked hard with YogaX. Sunday was XStretch, another much needed relaxing workout after my kids were hyped up from a birthday party (thanks Deb!).  And that wrapped week 13... It was a great week, I love the line up of workouts and like I said earlier, I found new energy because it was my last week.  Well, what about the photos... here you go... Week 1 to Week 13
Week 1
Week 13

Overall, I genuinely enjoy P90x!  It's a great full body workout, focusing on all aspects of fitness.  I prefer the Lean program.  I'm not trying to loose weight or build big muscles, the Lean program keeps me toned, and well, lean.  There were days I cursed the TV, there were days I didn't feel like working out, there were days I couldn't get enough and wanted more.  The P90x app is great if you're traveling or you just don't want to listen to Tony's wise cracks anymore.  This time around, I wasn't looking for major results, so I did not take measurements or track my weight.  I just wanted a great workout I could do when I couldn't get to the YMCA.  I did set small goals throughout the program, one was to do all of the push-ups in all of the videos, and I achieved that during week 12, yay!  My waist and hips are smaller, there's more definition in my arms, abs. back, and I honestly gained 2 lbs of muscle weight (i'm assuming).  I totally recommend P90x to anyone who already has a decent fitness base (bc it's hard), especially if you're looking to loose weight, get tone, build muscle, and/or increase your fitness ability.  Beach body also has great meal plans you can follow with recovery drinks and supplements.  What's next for me?  Well, I'm going to get back to running more, time to start training for the Delaware Half Marathon... I never thought I'd say this, but these 2 days off from P90x, and I realized I miss the workouts already and my personal basement time... So, starting next week, I will be adding P90x Lean back into my workout schedule, not full force, but as a supplemental workout to my running and YMCA workouts.  Check out Beach Body, and try P90x... "Do your Best, and Forget the Rest!!"  Stay fit, my friends!!

To see my journey in P90x land, check out my other posts...
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 & 5
Week 6
Week 7 & 8
Week 9 & 10
Week 11 & 12


  1. Ashley, you look awesome! I can totally see more definition in your arms and your ABS! Look at that stomach!!! Love it!


    1. Thank you!! P.S. I'm still waiting for your to come to DE, to upgrade my wardrobe...
