Week 11: I started the week with a 3.25 mile run outside at Glasgow Park in the afternoon, then Chest/Back & Ab Ripper X in the evening. I truly hate chin-ups, and push-ups! CardioX on Tuesday, was rough. Wednesday, I skipped Ab Ripper X after Shoulders/Arms because the season opener of Law & Order: SVU was coming on... It's my favorite show, I've seen 98% of all L&O episodes, Original, SVU, CI, LA... all of them! Thursday, is my new favorite day of the week, why? Les Mills Body Flow in the morning, the YogaX in the evening. I am at peace all day, and feel stretched and relaxed! Core synergistic on Friday was cool, I survived. Saturday, I skipped my morning run with BGR, my body just said NO! So instead, I kicked my own butt with KenpoX and added a bonus Ab RipperX. Sunday, was a much needed rest day! Sorry, I forgot to take a photo this week, but I did take one at the end of week 12.
Week 12: This was a busy week for me, in workouts and in normal life. Monday, I went to my favorite Les Mills Body Flow class, then I skipped meditation for a 2 mile run instead. Monday evening, I had a migraine headache, and went to bed at 7:15pm... so, Yes, I skipped my p90x workout. But on Tuesday, I made up for it, I busted out the scheduled CardioX, then moved right into Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and Ab RipperX. I was feeling so juiced, I banged out all of the push-ups (a first, yay), and an additional 20 Mason Twists! On Wednesday, I was still feeling good and went for a 2.5 mile run. That evening, I only did part of Back/Bicep, so I could watch the first Presidential debate. Part of living a healthy lifestyle, means knowing and understanding the politics that run our country and how it effects you and your family. My favorite day of the week, went a lot like last week, Body flow in the morning, then YogaX in the evening... This was a much need pre-stress reliever for the weekend ahead. On Friday, I skipped another P90x workout because after working a 14 1/2 hour day at the Delaware Auto Show (in 3" heels), my body spoke and said NO. Please understand, I'm not making excuses, because I feel like I always make up for my missed workouts... And I did on Saturday, I kicked butt in KenpoX then moved right into Core synergistic (from Friday). I felt great, and needed those punches and kicks to relieve some more Auto Show stress!! Sunday, I headed back to the Auto Show, and ate a piece of Desserts by Dana's Red Velvet Car Cake... it was so good, and I was so happy I burned some extra calories Saturday night. Sunday evening, instead of resting, I stretched out my body with XStretch, standing in 3" heels for 30 1/2 hours in 3 days, my body needed it.
Here's my photo from week 12, Jordan loves to photo bomb my p90x photos.
Guess what's next... Week 13, my last week of P90x... I am so ready for it! Wish me luck to finish strong!!
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