We are expanding!
No, not Self Soul Space... but the Thayer Family is expanding.
We will welcome our 3rd bundle of Joy into the world in early March 2014. Some of you may have already known, or picked up on my hints throughout some of my posts. But here it is, official news... Yes, we are growing from a family of 4 to 5! We are all very excited, especially Jordan and Mia!! What does this mean for Self Soul Space... nothing really. Outside of this post, I won't talk or share much about my pregnancy. This is still a healthy living blog written for everyone! If you are curious, how have the past 5 months been? Quite interesting, actually. I was nauseous the entire first trimester, morning, noon, and night! I was also exhausted, mid-day naps became a must. However, it was hard to keep our secret a secret, especially from Jordan and Mia... but somehow we managed to wait until the end of the first trimester. Due to my previous obstetric history, I was taken off of high impact exercising, which was the biggest let down for me, NO RUNNING! However, when I look at the bright side, I'll take 9 months of not running, for such a wonderful blessing! Other than that, there have been no major issues. And here's a bonus, I am still able to teach my BodyFlow class, yay! Also, I can still cross train and travel for work. I count my lucky stars, everyday, for this healthy pregnancy! Where am I now... At the end of my fifth month, feeling good, feeling fetal movement, face full of pimples, with a healthy-healthy appetite, but I'm loving every second of it... Do we know the sex of the baby? I'm sure you are wondering....
Will the ladies reign supreme, or will the gents start to balance the kingdom?
This just in....
Baby Thayer is a...................................................
Do we have a name picked out? No, not yet, but we are open for suggestions... feel free to comment below with your ideas!
Now, back to your scheduled programming!!