
Welcome to Self Soul Space! This blog is designed to bring you healthy lifestyle tips. A true healthy lifestyle, embodies a healthy mind, body, spirit, and environment. Thanks for stopping by to check out my way of living.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Thankful November: Day 14

November 14: After a long busy day, I was sitting on my Usairways flight heading to Nashville, I was thinking what am I thankful for today?  Today, I am thankful for kind, personable customer service personnel.  I encountered the kindest people today in the Philadelphia airport, and many times it's not that way.  I first, am thankful for the kind, pregnant TSA agent who did my pat down... Thank you for cracking jokes and being non-judgmental for me opting out of the screener.  I am thankful for the kind cashier at the Magazine stand.  I appreciate your enthusiasm for collecting donations for the troops and your friendly smile.  I am thankful for the friendly, comedic gate agent, who made boarding fun!  I am thankful for kind flight attendant, who went back to the galley to get me 2 cups of hot water.  I am also, of course, thankful for the pilots who were friendly during boarding and deplaning, and for getting us in 30 minutes early!  I am always thankful for kind, friendly, funny, helpful people who work in  a customer service position, because I work in customer service. So whether you are the customer or the service provider, remember kindness and a smile go a long way... Life's too short to be a mean negative Nancy... Think about that the next time  you encounter a new customer or a new service employee behind the counter... And be thankful for them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding me to always look at the positives, no matter how big or small :-)

