
Welcome to Self Soul Space! This blog is designed to bring you healthy lifestyle tips. A true healthy lifestyle, embodies a healthy mind, body, spirit, and environment. Thanks for stopping by to check out my way of living.

Friday, July 20, 2012

2 weeks of eating on a college campus

For 2 weeks, every summer I work the USDA's Ag Discovery program at Delaware State University.  This program is a residential summer camp designed to teach kids about different aspects of Agriculture.  My Father in Law is the director of the program, which is how I end up working this program.  My biggest challenge for the two weeks, is not being with 16 teenagers 24/7, it's trying to find healthy eating options in a campus dining hall and on the road, then squeezing in my workouts in a schedule jammed packed with field trips, workshops, and road trips.
As far as the workouts go... I have started the P90X Lean program, again.  I will squeeze in runs, whenever the schedule allows.  P90X is a great, all over, cardio workout.  It travels great, because you don't need a lot of equipment or a lot of space.  I travel with resistance bands, because they pack flat, but since this is residential I had more flexibility to bring my yoga mats, and my free weights.  My schedule, on the other hand, is packed with super early mornings, long field trips, all-day workshops, and long evenings.  So, squeezing them in is becoming fun!!
What about the meals... a little more challenging!!
Breakfast: I brought my own oatmeal from home, all I need is hot water. Instant organic with Flax Seeds.  I usually accompany the oatmeal with a cup of Starbucks (thank goodness, they brew it in the cafe), and a slice of toast or a banana.
Snack:  These are my "Healthy Help Me" Snacks... Sweet Potato Chips, Honey Wheat Pretzels, Cliff bars & Cliff bars Mini, Kashi bars, LaraBars, Brown Rice Cakes w/ PB, Unsweetened Dried Mango slices... or a Banana (slipped in my bag from the cafe).
Lunch: Depends on what's being served... If its a lean protein; i.e. Chicken breast, I'll have that with 2 servings of vegetables.  If the hot food options are not looking so hot, I'll have a salad w/ veggies from the salad bar, and a side of the vegetable of the day. Don't forget the water!!
Snack:  Honestly, lunch never fills me up... because DSU cafe food and I don't agree most days, so I reach for another "Healthy Help Me" snack.
Dinner:  Basically, the same as lunch... once in the 2 weeks I splurged, because DSU's fried chicken is yummy... but other than that... lean meat, w/ 2 sides of veggies. 

On the Road:  2 mornings we had breakfast out, at McDonald's (boo), but I opted for the Fruit & Maple Oatmeal.  We did eat lunch and dinner out a few times during road trips.  One night we ate at The Cheesecake Factory, I love their new SkinnyLicious menu, so I ordered the Asian Chicken Lettuce tacos, which are under 400 calories and super filling!  I also splurged on a half of a slice of cheesecake, duh, who wouldn't!
My tips for healthy college living...
  1. Sleep
  2. Stay fit, w/ walking to & from class or a fitness routine
  3. Eat plenty of Fruits & Vegetables
  4. Eat good carbs (wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, sweet potatoes, etc)
  5. Drink lots of water, avoid drinking your calories in soda or juice
  6. Avoid stress, with planning, staying organized, & meditation
  7. 4-6 small meals (including snacks)
  8. Keep healthy snack options in your room
  9. Eat breakfast, even if it's just toast + a piece of fruit, but stay away from sugary cereals & pancakes
  10. Treat yourself every once in a while, sweets, french fries, and pizza are examples of treats
  11. Avoid late night delivery runs, choose a healthy snack instead
  12. If you're of age, limit your alcohol consumption & be smart
  13. When in doubt, Salad bar is your filling friend
  14. Don't over eat, just because it's a buffet doesn't mean you need to stuff yourself
  15. Have fun!!!
Whether you're heading to college or working a summer camp like me, healthy living and eating is easy as long as you keep my tips in mind!



  1. this is a great post, Ashley! for some reason, none of the pictures worked though :-(


    1. Thanks dear! They didn't work on my phone either... but they showed up on my pc. They're some of the photos from instegram.
