
Welcome to Self Soul Space! This blog is designed to bring you healthy lifestyle tips. A true healthy lifestyle, embodies a healthy mind, body, spirit, and environment. Thanks for stopping by to check out my way of living.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

No Stress is Always Best!

Long days at work, tough school assignments, irritating co-workers, not enough time at home to get stuff done, planes-trains-automobiles, not enough money to make ends meet... Does this sound familiar? These are some things that can cause stress, they certainly do in my world! Reduce stress, less stress, no stress is always best. So, here's how I reduce stress in my daily life...

1. Smile, you'll be surprised how that will brighten your day!
2. Breathe & meditate, it helps to clear and relax your mind.
3. Schedule, I try to plan out my days and my money, so there are minimal surprises.
4. Exercise, this is a big stress reliever for me, yoga & cardio are my favs for stress.
5. Stay out of drama, enough said!
6. Don't sweat the small stuff, think positive.
7. Celebrate the joys, blessings, and accomplishments of life, even the small ones.
8. Talk it out, don't hold it in, vent to neutral party- Significnat other, friend, dog, etc.
9. Sleep, resting your body will help reduce stress, sleep deprivation can cause more stress.
10. Do what you enjoy; read a book, dance & sing, play the piano, hang with friends, play video games, scrapbooking, cooking, whatever floats your boat!

Stress can raise your blood pressure, lead to unhealthy eating habits, and can make you and those around you unhappy. Yes, Life will happen, but try my tips and it will make life a little easier. Limit stress, and your Self, Soul, and Space will be healthier!

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